
7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Stephen Covey's Habits of Independence: Habit 1: Be Proactive Worrying endlessly about things outside of your circle of influence isn't particularly productive. Working within your circle of influence is productive. Further, the more effective you become, the more your circle of influence will expand. Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind Before a performance, a sales presentation, a difficult confrontation, or the daily challenge of meeting a goal, see it clearly, vividly, relentlessly, over and over again. Create an internal "comfort zone." Then, when you get into the situation, it isn't foreign. It doesn't scare you." Habit 3: Put First Things First The key to putting first things first is to understand that you have many things you can do which will have a significant, positive impact on your life. But, you probably don't do them, because they aren't urgent. They can be delayed. Of course, so will your success. So "Organize and execute arou...

5 Reasons Creatives Hate Working for…

Leading creative people is like herding cats. They sometimes appear to be all over the place, to be mischievous, off in their own worlds, extremely curious and can be a tad hard to manage at times. But your business needs them and they need you, and when you get to understand and know creative people, gain their confidence and respect, then extraordinary things happen. Unfortunately most leaders don’t take the time to understand that creative people work, behave and think differently and that in order to utilize their genius you need to provide them with a stimulating and conducive environment. So…here’s 5 mistakes that businesses make which will ensure their creative people will hate working for them. Segregate them. Creative people love hanging out with other creative people. It’s stimulates them, allows them to bounce ideas around, gives them a sense of camaraderie. So whatever you do, make sure your creative people get to network and hangout with others (within and without your org...

Let Yourself Lose - Inspirational Poem

You've not felt pain Till you've let yourself feel. You must let the pain in Before you can heal. Let it crumble you, crush you, Destroy your soul. Piece by piece, Till it consumes you whole. 'I've faced pain', you think. But what you've really done, Is block it out with numbness. And you think that you've won. Then it happens again. And you think that you know How to win this once more, Since you've done it before. So you pull out your shield, And stay safe behind. You hide in the cave that the pain cannot find. Running the other way is easier than to face it. But to truly find peace You have to embrace it. You'll feel it break your bones And crush your thin skull. Till all that is left of you Is a withered empty hull. You'll wonder how you fell For pain and its tricks. But as you walk away broken You'll see yourself fix. You'll be glad you welcomed it And drew down your shield. This time you didn't switch off; This time you healed. ...

Navel Remedy! Did you know?

The belly button is the most important and amazing part of human body.It is the great gift of God. It is situated in the middle of the belly. it is also known tummy button or navel. It is clinically known as umbilicus. It is tiny but most incredible part of the body. In fact, it is considered the first scar of the human body.   A 62 year old man had poor vision in his left eye. He could hardly see especially at night and was told by eye specialists that his eyes were in a good condition but the only problem was that the veins supplying blood to his eyes were dried up and he would never be able to see again.  According to Science, the first part created after conception takes place is the belly button. After it’s created, it joins to the mother’s placenta through the umbilical chord.   Our belly button is surely an amazing thing! According to science, after a person has passed away, the belly button is still warm for 3 hours the reason being that when a woman conceives a c...

Are you really Happy on the inside?

As I sat in the park after my morning walk, My wife came and slumped next to me. She had completed her 30-minute jog. We chatted for a while. She said she is not happy in life. I looked up at her sheer disbelief since she seemed to have the best of everything in life. "Why do you think so?" "I don't know. Everyone tells I have everything needed, but I am not happy. "Then I questioned myself, am I happy?  "No," was my inner voice reply. Now, that was an eye-opener for me. I began my quest to understand the real cause of my unhappiness, I couldn't find one. I dug deeper, read articles, spoke to life coaches but nothing made sense.  At last my doctor friend gave me the answer which put all my questions and doubts to rest. I implemented those and will say I am a lot happier person. She said, there are four hormones which determine a human's happiness - 1. Endorphins, 2. Dopamine, 3. Serotonin, and  4. Oxytocin. It is important we understand these h...

Why women in their 20s rush into marriage

For women who get hitched in their 20s, divorcing in the first couple of years has become a common pattern now, and most of them go through this horrifying phase even before hitting 30. While the factors behind every relationship’s downfall are different, the underlying impetus behind  marriage is similar for some of the women. For women, who maintain a comfortable long-term relationship in their 20s, the next logical step is to get hitched, mainly because they find it convenient. Madison, a 29 year-old accountant from New Jersey admitted to marrying even though she didn’t feel ‘crazy love’, because was ‘content and secure instead’, Huffington Post quoted her as telling. Many times it is a previous relationship, which leaves a woman heartbroken and propels them to marry ‘Mr Wrong'. They say you never really get over your first love. “I didn''t think I would ever fall in love again so I figured it didn’t matter who I married,” said Tara, a 26 year-old freelance writer from N...

Brain Damaging Habits

No Breakfast - People who do not take breakfast are going to have a lower blood sugar level. This leads to an insufficient supply of nutrients to the brain causing brain degeneration. Overeating - It causes hardening of the brain arteries, leading to a decrease in mental power. $moking - It causes multiple brain shrinkage and may lead to Alzheimer disease. High Sugar consumption - Too much sugar will interrupt the absorption of proteins and nutrients causing malnutrition and may interfere with brain development. Air Pollution - The brain is the largest oxygen consumer in our body. Inhaling polluted air decreases the supply of oxygen to the brain, bringing about a decrease in brain efficiency. Sleep Deprivation - Sleep allows our brain to rest. Long term deprivation from sleep will accelerate the death of brain cells. Head covered while sleeping - Sleeping with the head covered, increases the concentration of carbon dioxide and decrease concentration of oxygen that may lead to...