
Showing posts from September, 2011

Do What’s Most Difficult

Sam Keen had a great line, “You are caught by what you are running from.” Genius. We attempt to structure our lives to avoid our fears but that’s about as intelligent as straightening the deck chairs on the Titanic. The best way to overcome a fear is to face your fear. As a matter of fact, every time we do something we’ve been avoiding, we take back the power that seemingly scary or difficult thing had over us. Every Leader Without a Title and world-class Productive runs toward what they are most resisting versus toward the exit door. They feel the fear of tackling a game changing project and do the project anyway. They acknowledge the sweaty palms before the high-stakes presentation, and give the presentation anyway. They experience the runaway heartbeats accompanying asking for the biggest order in the history of their company, and they ask anyway. And that’s what makes them great. Keep Leading Without A Title. Courtesy: Robin Sharma Blog

Do You Have Many Friends At Work?

We spend the best part of a day at our job, and sometimes the night. We get close to coworkers and many relationships continue outside the office with happy hour at a pub, a Sunday barbeque, etc. That’s why it is so heartbreaking when you are laid off and those friends disappear. Back to the friend who emailed me, desperate for an idea to find work. I asked about his network and he went to pieces. After so many years with the same people, he was distraught that people he considered close where now avoiding his calls and not answering emails. He wasn’t trouble and, as a union member, he left on good terms, awaiting possible reinstatement in the future. “My network of people sucks,” he wrote. “Most of them are looking for work or secretive about projects and keep them to themselves. Most of the people I could trust in the past, I don’t now, and many former co-workers are either looking for work or have nothing to do with any of us that got laid off.” It’s not odd for people to separate t...

5 Best Ways to Prevent Cancer

By SiliconIndia, Tuesday, 06 September 2011 Bangalore: Do u know that simple changes in lifestyle could lower your cancer risks? Being diagnosed with cancer can be the most devastating news you will ever hear. People from all backgrounds and occupations can have cancer. However, if you look behind the mask of its physical symptoms, such as the type, appearance and behavior, you will find that cancer is not as coincidental or unpredictable as it seems to be. There are preventive measures that you can take to prevent this distressing disease from claiming residency in your beautiful life. One of your best defenses against cancer is to strengthen your immune system. This is where the preventive measures come in. Here are five simple ways you can reduce your exposure to potentially cancer-causing chemicals by strengthening your immune system.  Always Marinate Meat and Poultry  Meats can contain cancer-causing heterocyclic amines, which form when meat is seared at high temperatures...