
Showing posts with the label Psychology

7 Boundaries Every Man Should Set With Female Friends

Have you ever found yourself in a friendship that felt a bit off, but you weren’t quite sure why? Or perhaps someone once told you, “Dude, you need boundaries,” but you shrugged it off thinking, “We’re just friends—boundaries aren’t necessary.” I used to think the same way. It turns out, though, that healthy boundaries are crucial for any friendship, including the ones we have with female friends. I’ve learned a lot about boundaries the hard way—through late-night conversations that got too personal, mixed signals that led to awkward confrontations, and emotional entanglements that left both parties confused. Not to mention, I’ve done my fair share of reading on psychology and relationships, which consistently underscores the importance of knowing where healthy limits begin and end. So, in this post, I want to walk you through seven boundaries every man should consider setting with his female friends, based on psychological insights and personal experience. Ready? Let’s dive in. 1. Be ...

Today's Society and Changing Roles of Women

In recent years, the roles of women in families and society have transformed significantly. Education and empowerment have brought immense progress, but this shift has also led to some challenges worth reflecting upon. Rising Divorces:  A Concern Despite many marriages being based on love and mutual understanding, divorces are on the rise. Why? Today's women are often encouraged to focus on careers, sometimes at the expense of learning life skills like managing households or cooking. While financial independence is crucial, the balance between career and family often gets overlooked, leading to conflicts in relationships. Shifting Priorities Earlier, women prioritized nurturing families across generations—caring for in-laws, spouses, and children. However, modern roles often focus on individual growth and career advancement. This isn't inherently wrong, but the diminishing focus on traditional responsibilities sometimes disrupts family harmony. Impact of Career Over...

Life Is Uncertain. Eat Your Dessert First!!!"

After Retirement? Having a peaceful meal with a calm mind, if God has given enough money for it, why should a person keep running after money even after the age of 60-65? "Sol Gordon and Harold Brecher" wrote a book titled... "Life Is Uncertain... Eat Your Dessert First!!!" "Life is uncertain, so eat dessert first" – dessert symbolizes your favorite activities or the things you love most in life. Life is indeed uncertain. This truth is even more significant for retired individuals. Running behind accumulating wealth, chasing status and prestige—all these are fitting pursuits during youth. However, after 60 or 70, our focus should only be on our true priorities. Last week, during a senior citizen gathering, I posed a question: "How many of you are still fully engaged in jobs or businesses?" Out of around 300 attendees, 27 hands were raised. Then I asked a follow-up question: "Out of those 27, how many are working purely out of financial neces...

The 4 Types of Luck!

In 1978, a neurologist named Dr. James Austin published a book entitled Chase, Chance, & Creativity: The Lucky Art of Novelty. In it, he proposed that there are 4 types of luck: (1) Blind Luck (2) Luck from Motion (3) Luck from Awareness (4) Luck from Uniqueness Here's what they are: Type 1: Blind Luck

My brain and heart

  My brain and heart divorced a decade ago over who was to blame about how big of a mess. I have become eventually, they couldn't be in the same room with each other now my head and heart share custody of me. I stay with my brain during the week and my heart gets me on weekends they never speak to one another. Instead, they give me the same note to pass to each other every week and their notes they send to one another always says the same thing: "This is all your fault" On Sundays my heart complains about how my head has let me down in the past and on Wednesday my head lists all of the times my heart has screwed things up for me in the future they blame each other for the state of my life there's been a lot of yelling - and crying So, lately, I've been spending a lot of time with my gut who serves as my unofficial therapist. Most nights, I sneak out of the window in my ribcage and slide down my spine and collapse on my gut's plush leather chair that's ...

Darkness is Merely The Absence of Light

To everyone out there posting articles that say, 'Please reach out if you're going through a hard time', I appreciate the efforts and admire your kind intentions but here's the harsh truth. Nobody going through a hard time will want to willingly reach out and ask for help. Even if they want to, sometimes they just don't know how to. You've got to understand how difficult it is to sit across from someone and admit that you're not doing well, that you need help. Hell, sometimes it's even hard to admit it to yourself that after all, you might not be doing as well as you want everyone to think. You might have the best of intentions to help someone but the majority of the people going through difficult times will not actively seek for help. Ridiculing someone for turning to self harm or having suicidal tendencies is ignorance at it's peak. If you pass statements like,' Suicide is so stupid, why would someone choose to end their own life? There's a...

Are you really Happy on the inside?

As I sat in the park after my morning walk, My wife came and slumped next to me. She had completed her 30-minute jog. We chatted for a while. She said she is not happy in life. I looked up at her sheer disbelief since she seemed to have the best of everything in life. "Why do you think so?" "I don't know. Everyone tells I have everything needed, but I am not happy. "Then I questioned myself, am I happy?  "No," was my inner voice reply. Now, that was an eye-opener for me. I began my quest to understand the real cause of my unhappiness, I couldn't find one. I dug deeper, read articles, spoke to life coaches but nothing made sense.  At last my doctor friend gave me the answer which put all my questions and doubts to rest. I implemented those and will say I am a lot happier person. She said, there are four hormones which determine a human's happiness - 1. Endorphins, 2. Dopamine, 3. Serotonin, and  4. Oxytocin. It is important we understand these h...

12 Little Known Laws Of Karma

What is Karma? Karma is the Sanskrit word for action. It is equivalent to Newton’s law of ‘every action must have a reaction’. When we think, speak or act we initiate a force that will react accordingly. This returning force maybe modified, changed or suspended, but most people will not be able eradicate it. This law of cause and effect is not punishment, but is wholly for the sake of education or learning. A person may not escape the consequences of his actions, but he will suffer only if he himself has made the conditions ripe for his suffering. Ignorance of the law is no excuse whether the laws are man-made or universal. To stop being afraid and to start being empowered in the worlds of karma and reincarnation, here is what you need to know about karmic laws. 1. THE GREAT LAW – “As you sow, so shall you reap”. This is also known as the “Law of Cause and Effect”. – Whatever we put out in the Universe is what comes back to us. – If what we want is Happiness, Peace, Love, Friendship… T...

Worth of Employee Loyalty.

"Oleg, I am very disturbed by a conversation between 2 managers at the airport I just heard. Went like this - "John, I am so depressed. We have to make cuts, and I feel so bad because I am loyal to my people." John replied "Do not be. There is no more loyalty of employees to companies any more". Oleg, can you please write one of your blogs as a response to John ?" John, I hope you are reading this blog. Loyalty is something you earn.  You earn loyalty not by telling your people how great you are, not by your profit reports, and NOT by your mission statements. You earn loyalty by doing something good for your people. By taking real risks for your people By standing up for them By getting them what they need By being there for them when you they need you By helping them to realize their dreams My friend recruiter said he stopped trying to recruit people out of companies like Google. He said they would not leave even for a 50 percent raise because of their lo...

Adult's Lies at Work

Translated by Allen Montrasio, teacher @JohnPeterSloan_La Scuola. Talking about excuses I immediately think about the stories children make up not to admit they broke the vase, ate the cake, didn’t do their homework. I remember that when she was small, my sister once ate an entire box of my cousin’s chocolates and gradually made any proof of the misdeed disappear by throwing the wrappers in different wastebaskets, tearing up the box and putting the pieces in the stove, at school and in her wardrobe, where eventually my mother found the last red fragment of cardboard that proved her guilt. Cornered, in the face of the evidence, she confessed that “If you had waited another day, you wouldn’t have even found that…”. Knowing she’d done wrong, she faced the punishment in good spirit. I too have done my little misdeeds, but this isn’t the time to talk about them. Little childish lies, told to avoid the just punishment or reproach that follows a wrong action. Sometimes, creative alternative r...

3 Dangers of Working with Smart People

Why we do what we do is a fascinating science. The brain has interesting ways to interpret the world around us and spur us into action. Knowing the brain drives our behavior, you would think those with high intelligence would have the upper hand in making good decisions. Studies have shown, however, this is not the case. In many ways, intelligence can lead smart people to make dumb decisions, creating problems due to their self pride. Three Dangers of Working with Smart People: A recent article on the Big Think brought up some interesting points about why this is true for smart people, which include the following: Intelligence breeds hubris: Smart people can make dumb decisions because they develop excessive pride or self-confidence  (hubris) in their decision-making as a result of their intelligence. They tend to develop a superiority complex: Not only do they have a high opinion of their intelligence, but also they develop a low opinion of those around them. Because of these fee...

10 Behaviours of Genuine People

Whether you’re building a business, a network, or friendships, you always want to look for people who are genuine. After all, nobody wants to work or hang out with a phony. On the flipside, that goes for you, as well. Bet you never considered that.  Image credit: Eli DeFaria | In case you're wondering, genuine means actual, real, sincere, honest. Genuine people are more or less the same on the inside as their behavior is on the outside. Unfortunately, it's a tough quality to discern. The problem is that all human interactions are relative. They’re all a function of how we perceive each other through our own subjective lenses.  Being genuine is also a rare quality. In a world full of phony fads, media hype, virtual personas, positive thinkers, and personal brands – where everyone wants what they don’t have, nobody’s content to be who they are, and, more importantly, nobody’s willing to admit to any of that – it’s becoming more and more rare all the time.   To ...

5 Unexpected Downsides of High Intelligence

You know that phrase, "Ignorance is bliss"? There's a reason it's stuck around all these years. Because having the upper hand in intelligence might give you an advantage in some areas, like crossword puzzle solving and quantum physics-ing, but it also might just screw up your life forever.  For instance, if you're smart ... 5. You're Probably a Night Owl -- And That's a Bad Thing Recently, scientists discovered a quirky side effect to having a high 'IQ' You tend to stay up until later hours and get up later in the morning. That's right -- the more intelligent are also much more likely to be night owls. Which isn't such a surprise when you consider that intelligent people are infamous for burning the midnight oil to cram for tests, write papers, touch up those earnings reports, etc. And spending reports. It appears to just be evolution -- the more intelligent members of a species are, in general, the first to change habits (their big brains ...