
Showing posts from March, 2012

Design-By-Committee - Creativity & Client

Is it that clients don’t understand business or is it they don’t understand creatives? Why is it creatives around the globe all have exactly the same complaints and horror stories about clients from hell? It’s not just ridiculously silly comments and requests, which make for the amusing stories we share over drinks at the pub or posts on the internet – it’s the actions that block creativity or the ability to make a living. Every single creative has heard the same excuses from clients who feel we are not worthy of pay: “If you do this free for me, there will be plenty of paying work later!” “This is a unique opportunity for you!” “It’ll give you something for your portfolio!” “It’ll be great exposure for your work!” This is a very touchy subject for all involved. It’s power and control and all humans have some issue with it. Either you crave it and it drives you to unspeakable acts or you smile and give in and secretly plot revenge and self-hatred. I always get into trouble when I say t...

The Better India Hero

Personifying “Love All, Serve All” : On a hot Amdavadi afternoon, when the roads were as deserted as they could be, the Sabarmati Ashram was buzzing with visitors. There were school kids, a group of old ladies and some foreigners taking a stroll around the ashram, mainly in the museum – “Gandhi Smarak Sangrahalay”. While I was roaming around, my phone rang – “Hello” – “Hello, I am standing opposite to the Ashram” – “Will be there in 5 minutes”. Just as I reached the ashram exit, I had a look at the opposite end of the road. An atypical Amdavadi auto-driver, with a Gandhi Topi, waved his hand – I wondered how he recognized me, meeting for the first time. Ahmedabad's Richshawala - Udaybhai Udaybhai, as everyone calls him, came to me and took me and my mother (who was accompanying me, which made me a little nervous as she was witnessing my work for the first time) for a ride till Safaai Vidyalaya (a very low profile unexplored place right next to the Sabarmati Ashram). While we sat in...