Are You Smarter Than Your Boss?
Bangalore: In a company, working with smarter people is always considered better, but at the same time, if an employee becomes smarter than an employer, there is lot much to be faced by the employee. Every time he must be ready to accept both the appreciation by the boss and also the disapproval by him.
Usually it is the duty of the boss to assess the duty to their employee according to the employee's skills and capabilities. And after assigning he will expect the employees to deliver it.
Dan Schawbel, a personal branding expert, suggests that, whenever your boss disapproves your smartness, produce exceptional work to the boss, but also ask for their feedback, so that they feel you are caring about their knowledge also.
If a subordinate want a positive reaction from your boss for your smartness, firstly he must be honest, trustworthy and meaningful to him, as it will lead him to positive impression in the boss mind.
At the same time, there are reasons for your boss being threatened of being less intelligent than their subordinates. One of the main reasons is, when a junior is smarter than the boss, the boss may feel insecure of justifying his position
Kanchana TK, Executive Director of Vantage Insurance Brokers and Risk Advisors, reports to the economic times that whenever your boss is not happy with you being smarter than him, at that point of time only two things can happen. Firstly it will allow you to show case your ability to find solution for that problem. But the important thing is that the approach is quite delicate and the teaching may be more form the case study perspective, than from an individual knowledge standpoint. Secondly, it allows your boss to appreciate and value you as an employee who knows more than him or her in some areas if not all the areas.
So, how can a boss learning for his employee can be an advantage to the company?
Deepak Kaistha, Director of the Planman Consulting says that the companies that have a steep learning curve enable employee learning and development by making exchange of ideas free from superior and subordinate relationships. Listening to what the juniors think doesn't harm because not all the time only the opinion of the experienced matters but sometimes innovation and thought process of the fresher can also make lot of positive difference as even they do have fresh ideas in their mind.
Adapting the dynamic work style of the junior can add value not only to the employee's work but also it helps in encouraging the junior to perform better.
For taking a company towards success, a boss must adapt the habit of learning. It may be through their juniors or from their seniors. This leads to a two way communication and it may help you to build a unique and healthy relationship between the boss and the junior.
Being open minded towards learning will not lead a boss or a senior to any kind of trouble or any mistake.
Instead it helps the boss to take his or her company to a greater heights and it will help them to build a bond towards their juniors and make them feel that their ideas are respected and it will make them feel great to work hard in the future to a better success.
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