When faced with a tough economic climate, it’s understandable for companies to reach for the ‘crisis mode’ button, batten down the hatches and seek to weather the storm.
Yet for creative studios, a culture of uncertainty, suspicion and survival can plunge staff into developing a studio-closing unmotivated streak. Unmotivated creative staff spell bad news for business.
Design flair can begin to fray, and relations with clients can become strained and the studio atmosphere can become tense. Talented staff – catching the whiff of despair in a studio – may begin to look elsewhere.
The fact is that the best designers are always valuable, no matter how the economy is performing. Not only are sharp creative minds vital to successful campaigns and helping in retaining lucrative accounts, but any studio needs creative stars for the longer term.
The best staff aren’t just there to help battle through a difficult patch – they should be there to help propel your studio upwards when you begin to hit the upturn.
But what can a cash-strapped creative studio, faced with financial uncertainty and tightening client purse strings, do to not only halt the slide in morale, but actively reverse it?
Follow our selected motivational tips to help ensure your studio is brighter, happier, and more creative – whatever the economic weather.
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