A pregnant woman asks her husband: "What are you expecting, a boy or a girl?" ” The husband replies: "If it's a boy, I'll teach him math, we'll work out together, teach him how to fish, etc." ” The woman, laughing, asks: "What if it's a girl?" ” The husband smiles and says, "If it's a girl, I won't have to teach her anything." She will teach me everything: how to dress, how to eat, what to say and what not to say. Very soon, she'll become like a second mom to me, and even without doing anything special, she'll always consider me as her hero. She'll understand when I tell her no and she'll still compare her future husband to me. No matter how old she gets, she will always want me to treat her like my little princess. She'll fight for me against the world, and if anyone hurts me, she'll never forgive them. ” The woman, a little intrigued, asks: "You mean your daughter would do all thi...