
Never speak first...

A junior manager, a senior manager and their boss are on their way to a meeting. On their way through a park, they come across a wonder lamp. They rub the lamp and a ghost appears. The ghost says, "Normally, one is granted three wishes but as you are three, I will allow one wish each" So the eager senior manager shouted, "I want the first wish. I want to be in the Bahamas, on a fast boat and have no worries." Pfufffff. and he was gone. Now the junior manager could not keep quiet and shouted "I want to be In Florida with beautiful girls, plenty of food and cocktails." Pfufffff. and he was also gone. The boss calmly said, "I want these two idiots back in the office after lunch at 2.00pm." MORAL OF THE STORY IS: "ALWAYS ALLOW THE BOSS TO SPEAK FIRST"

Why Nagging Doesn't Work

I f you are at your wit's end because your spouse leaves the bathroom in chaos, never cleans out the bathtub or shower, lets things slide, throws clothes on the floor, conveniently forgets to take out the trash, doesn't follow through with promises to do household chores, ignores reasonable requests to pick things up, refuses to quit smoking or lose weight, watches too much television, is on the computer a tremendous amount of time, and on, and on, and on... you may find yourself nagging or being demanding. Face it. Nagging doesn't work!! The Vicious Cycle of Nagging Nagging can become a vicious cycle. The more you nag, the more your mate avoids you or withdraws both emotionally and physically from you, so the more you nag. Is this really how you want to live? Why Nagging Doesn't Work • Even though your gripes may be valid, nagging makes your spouse resentful. • Nagging makes your spouse defensive. • Nagging puts you in the parent role, and your spouse in the ch...

Toothache Home Remedies

Toothache home remedies is a commonly sought after information because tooth ache is a very common problem and can occur without a warning. Teeth are an amazing balance of form and function, aesthetic beauty and engineering. Good teeth are an important part of one's health and appearance. Symptoms of Toothache A toothache may be sharp, throbbing, shooting, or constant. If the tooth is not properly treated, it will eventually have to be extracted. Causes of Toothache Tooth decay, consumption of soft drinks, refined carbohydrates and sugar The main cause of toothache is tooth decay, which results from a faulty diet. Perhaps the greatest curse and cause of tooth decay is the consumption of candy, soft drinks, pastries, refined carbohydrates and sugar in all forms. Bacteria in the mouth breaks sugar down into acids, which combine with the calcium in the enamel to cause decay or erosion. Home Remedies for Toothache Using Garlic Among the most effective home remedies for toothache ...

What Motivates Us @ Work? More Than Money!

“When we think about how people work, the naïve intuition we have is that people are like rats in a maze,” says behavioral economist Dan Ariely (TED Talk: What makes us feel good about our work?) “We really have this incredibly simplistic view of why people work and what the labor market looks like.” Instead, when you look carefully at the way people work, he says, you find out there’s a lot more at play — and at stake — than money. Ariely provides evidence that we are also driven by the meaningfulness of our work, by others’ acknowledgement — and by the amount of effort we’ve put in: the harder the task is, the prouder we are. “When we think about labor, we usually think about motivation and payment as the same thing, but the reality is that we should probably add all kinds of things to it: meaning, creation, challenges, ownership, identity, pride, etc.,” Ariely says. Below, take a look at some of Ariely’s other studies, as well as a few from other researchers, with interesting implic...


C arrot + Ginger + Apple = Boost and cleanse our system. Apple + Cucumber + Celery = Prevent cancer, reduce cholesterol, and improve stomach upset and headache. Tomato + Carrot + Apple = Improve skin complexion and bad breath. Bitter gourd + Apple + Milk = Avoid bad breath and reduce internal body heat. Orange + Ginger + Cucumber = Improve Skin texture an moisture and reduce body heat. Pineapple + Apple + Watermelon = To dispel excess salts, nourishes the bladder and kidney. Apple + Cucumber + Kiwi = To improve skin complexion. Pear & Banana = regulates sugar content. Carrot + Apple + Pear + Mango = Clear body heat, counteracts toxicity, decreased blood pressure and fight oxidization . Honeydew + Grape + Watermelon + Milk = Rich in vitamin C + Vitamin B2 that increase cell activity and strengthen body immunity. Papaya + Pineapple + Milk = Rich in vitamin C, E, Iron. Improve skin complexion and metabolism. Banana + Pineapple + Milk = Rich in vitamin with nutritious and prevent const...

7 Weight Loss Tips

Tip 1: Find out how many calories you need Do not eat more then your body need. Your diet should be according to your healthy and the consumption of food.Tip 2: Eat at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables per day Tip 2: Fruits and vegetables are packed with beneficial fibers, vitamins and antioxidants. They fill up your stomach fast so you feel full earlier. They are also low in calories and helps to keep your calorie count low. Tip 3: Do not Skip Meals Eating small frequent meals help to balance your calorie intake throughout the day and also keeps your blood sugar level balanced. Instead of eating 3 big meals, try to eat 5 - 6 smaller meals throughout the day. Tip 4: Go for wholesome fresh foods If possible, purchase fresh foods and avoid package (processed) and convenient foods such as fast food. Packaged and convenient foods are often higher in sodium and fat content. Many people we spoke to are amazed that they can easily lose weight by packing a home-cooked lunch t...

The Difference Between Soulmates and Life Partners

Soul Mate: Someone who is aligned with your soul and is sent to challenge, awaken and stir different parts of you in order for your soul to transcend to a higher level of consciousness and awareness. Once the lesson has been learnt, physical separation usually occurs. Life Partner: A companion, a friend, a stable and secure individual who you can lean on, trust and depend on to help you through life. There is a mutual feeling of love and respect and you are both in sync with each others needs and wants.  Everyone wants to meet their Soulmate. In fact, one of the most common questions I receive in my readings and coaching sessions is- “When am I going to meet my Soulmate?” We have many Soulmates in this life but their purpose is all the same- they are here to challenge and awaken us so our soul can evolve into a higher state of consciousness. Our Soulmates always arrive when we are ready for them and not a moment sooner. They arrive when we are ready to learn the lessons that we we...