Ayurveda Support for Depression

Sometimes anxiety and depression seems just to be encompassing our lives, much like un-wanted friends.  And taking in of medications (unless it is proclaimed mandatory by your doctor), could do more harm than good. Best way out would be to look for some solution that is safe, doable and enduring.

These are some simple instructions that I tend to offer to my patients and all those who value natural healing modalities !

  • You need to wake up early in the morning, actually with the first morning sun rays! The juvenile ultraviolet rays emitted during dawn tend to work as mind stimulators and mood dilators!
  • Yoga poses like Shavasana and Yoga Nidra and Deep breathing techniques called Pranayama are surely going to help you greatly, especially the Anulom – Vilom and Bhramari Pranayamas.
  • Take to Vegan diet which is more Saatvik and therefore enhances positivism of the mind. More of seasonal fruits, vegetables, sprouts. Naturopathy suggests take alkaline diet more than 80%.
  • Lavender oil as aromatic drops may be used in bath and burnt in your room for stress – relieving aroma.
  •  Massage of soles of the feet with some warming oil like Sesame seed oil will benefit. Also, you need to use some cooling oil for massage of your scalp daily. Elaadi tailam or coconut oil are good.
  • Meditation is going to be of highest support!
  • Ayurveda herb Ashagandha is recommended. Also, Sarswatarishta and Brahma Rasayana are some Ayurveda medication that would be of assistance.
  •  Also, keeping occupied mentally during the day in any creative activity that makes you feel happy and positive is mandatory.
Credits: curejoy.com


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