Foods to Quit Smoking

Smoking is one of the nastiest habits, which, unfortunately, is very common nowadays. It is really hard to give up this habit, and thousands of people, who wanted to quit smoking, tried using many various techniques to reduce cravings and get rid of nicotine addiction once and for all. Usual stop smoking efforts include using a special chewing gum, pills or medications, exercise, meditation, being involved in some entertainment activities, making some substantial changes in the life-style, and many others. However, not many people are aware about the fact that what we eat and drink can actually help to enhance or worsen cigarette taste. Therefore, there are certain foods, which can make us feel bad about cigarette taste and this way assist in giving up this terrible habit.
According to a research of the specialists from the Duke University, such foods and drinks as meat and caffeinated beverages make cigarettes taste good. At the same time, dairy products and fresh vegetables make cigarettes taste worse. F. Joseph McClernon, PhD, who was an active participant of this study, comments on the situation as the following: “We were surprised that smokers would say anything would make their cigarettes taste worse.” Nevertheless, this interesting finding of the researchers can make us believe that eating a lot of the products or drinking more of the beverages, which affect cigarette taste, can be a very good tool for staying smoke free for longer time. Now, let’s look at those top 5 foods and drinks which can help us give up smoking:

Milk1. Milk and Other Dairy Beverages. Many smokers say that after drinking a glass of milk, smoking does not bring the expected taste and satisfaction. Milk  makes cigarette taste very bitter and unpleasant. Some people recommend dipping cigarettes in milk, drying them out and then trying to smoke such cigarettes. The taste must be absolutely terrible, and every time such smoker will feel cravings again, he or she will remember that nasty taste of milky cigarettes. This may help to lessen cravings and assist in getting rid of nicotine addiction.

Orange Juice2. Orange Juice. When people smoke cigarettes regularly, they lose a lot of Vitamin C, and their body gets used to exchanging it with some unnatural elements it receives from nicotine. That is why, in order to quit smoking faster, it is very important to start receiving more of natural Vitamin C. Oranges, lemons, black currants, pomegranates and other powerful natural sources of Vitamin C must be the best foods for everyone, who is trying to get rid of nicotine dependence.

Celery3. Celery. Celery, along with such vegetables as zucchinis, egg-plants, beans, and even cucumbers, also affects cigarette taste. Besides, specialists claim that eating a lot of these vegetables can decrease nicotine dependence (in case if no alcohol is consumed). That is why eating celery sticks can help to decrease cravings. If you are not much of a celery fan, you can exchange it with carrots. However, eating a lot of sweet vegetables is considered to be not too good, because excessive amounts of glucose activate the areas of the brain responsible for pleasure and satisfaction. Thus, glucose can stimulate cravings.

Broccoli4. Broccoli. Broccoli is, actually, very useful for everyone, because it has a great variety of therapeutic properties. In particular, it helps to lower the risks of having lung diseases, including lung cancer. Broccoli contains sulforaphane, a substance which boosts the activity of NRF2 gene and protects lungs from any toxin-related damage. Unfortunately, the studies found the evidence that this therapeutic property of broccoli does not work for smokers, because nicotine kills the activity of sulforaphane.

Red Wine5. Red Wine. A glass of red wine a day lowers the risks of lung cancer, both in smokers and non-smokers. The researchers from South California found out that the people who drink a glass of red wine every day have 60% lower chances to have lung cancer. Red wine hasflavonoids and resveratrol, also is very useful for heart and blood (as it does not allow blood clots to form). However, be careful and do not drink a lot of red wine, otherwise you will have to fight with both nicotone and alcohol addictions after all!


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