Top 10 Feng Shui Tips

The Fingerprints of Feng Shui
1) KEEP THE LID DOWN Okay guys, I promise I am not discriminating against you out of some deep-seated feminist anger. The truth is,leaving the lid open on your toilets lets a lot of ch’i escape. The problem is magnified if your bathroom happens to be located in the Wealth or Love & Relationship Areas. So, always keep the lid down to enhance your ch’i knowing that the resulting bi-product will be a happier woman in your household. (FYI: All puns herein are intentional and made without shame.)
2) REMOVE THE CLUTTER Why not take inventory of all the things taking up space in your home? IE:the clothes you can’t fit into or wouldn’t be caught at Starbuck’s in, the knick knacks Aunt Sophie has given you over the years that you really hate but feel obligated to keep, the jars and 
tubes of creams and beauty potions in your makeup drawer that have less than a tablespoon of product left in them, the piles of magazines that you keep meaning to read. Once you’ve disposed of the useless trash (remembering to recycle!), dispose of the “good stuff” via donating to 
Goodwill Industries International, Inc. Oh, and that marvelous feeling? –that’s your ch’i expanding!
3) KEEP IT CLEAN Cleanliness is next to godliness. Once the clutter is removed, it’s easier to keep your place clean and clear.
4) LET THERE BE LIGHT Keeping rooms darkened for long periods of time builds up negative ch’i. As a Californian, I am very conscious of energy conservation, so please don’t think I am advocating indiscriminate consumption of our natural resources. Do you have a room or several rooms that are completely in the dark most of the time? Perhaps you keep the blinds shut and the curtains drawn to retain heat in the winter? Maybe there is a room that you use only for storage or for houseguests that you never actually have? Let the sun shine in! At least once a week(if you can’t do it every day), open shades and let the light in to circulate your ch’i. If there are corners and rooms that receive little daylight, turn the lights on for awhile(this is especially important in your Wealth Area). With the new energy efficient lightbulbs, there is no excuse not to let there be light.
5) HOME COOKIN’ In Feng Shui terms, the stove represents the heart of the household and the ability to attract health and wealth to us. If we are the kind of folks who eat take-out all the time and never cook, it is important that we activate all the burners to use the stove and generate energy, even if only to turn them all on simultaneously for one minute per week. Also, keep the stovetop clean and make sure you can see who is entering the kitchen when you are cooking with your back turned.
6) STOP AND SMELL THE ROSES Whenever possible, treat yourself to some freshly cut flowers. Many people wait for others to give them flowers on special occasions. Try to stop thinking of flowers as a luxury item and instead, think of flowers as food for the soul. Fresh blossoms have a magical effect on a space…they bring beauty, color, and scent to any room which immediately uplifts your spirits and your Feng Shui. Affordable as a double latte’, they are readily available at supermarkets, carwashes, your own backyard, or you can even buy them online.
7) BED HEAD Correct placement of your bed is extremely important for optimum rest and peace of mind. Make sure the headboard of your bed is not placed on the same wall as your doorway to the bedroom. If this is the only option available to you, it is advisable to add a mirror to the 
opposite wall so that you may see who is entering the room wile you are lying in bed.
8 ) KICK DAVID AND JAY OUT OF THE BEDROOM These days, many of us fall asleep watching the TV from our beds. Some of us may also have our computers, radio alarm clocks, cell phones, answering machines, lamps and various other electrical devices within arms reach of our beds. No wonder we don’t feel refreshed and rested when we wake up! By moving your TV out to the living room or den, you will be making a very big Feng Shui improvement (and may just perk up your love life, too).
9) SAGE ADVICE Clearing out your psychic residue via frequent use of a sage smudge stick is a very simple thing that you can do which will improve your Feng Shui instantly. Also recommended: burning incense regularly.
10) LIGHT A CANDLE IN YOUR LOVE & RELATIONSHIP AREA Keep the home fires burning, attract a new love partner, or simply enjoy a feeling of contentment in all of our relationships. It’s simple: don’t save the candles for special occasions!


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