Strange - Arranged Marraiges

The idea of getting married to a near stranger amidst flashy celebrations is too atrocious to a foreigner. To them, it is nothing more than a forced alliance that hardly leaves any space for personal freedom. It is often the target of satire amongst the more liberated and individualistic counterparts.

However, ironically, Indian marriages are highly successful. It’s more often than not a lifetime affair complete with the blessings and involvement of families. However, with sweeping gobalization, cross cultural influences and greater yearning for personal freedom, a huge number of youngsters have started calling the shots. This trend is fast catching up, with increasing numbers deciding to take marriage vows on their own. Nevertheless, the consent of parents still matters!! 

Young people in countries where arranged marriages are commonplace are told from an early age that their spouse will be chosen for them. To deny an arranged marriage is seen as a sign of disrespect toward the family. But how are suitable spouses chosen? Usually, the most important aspect of choosing a suitable spouse is the bond between the two families, rather than the relationship between the couple being married. Property or land with the aim of securing social status sometimes seals marriage agreements.

Do arranged marriages work? Opinions tend to differ. Statistics place the divorce rate for arranged marriages much lower than those in the United States, where marriages out of love are the rule. However, research also shows that the pressure a married couple encounters from both society as a whole, and from the respective families, suggests that divorce is often not an option open to them. Things that might not be favorable initially slowly starts taking shape with time, as both learn to compromise, see each others strengths and weaknesses and move together to accomplish their dreams and goals. Compromising might not a likable factor but its the most important element for the strength of a Marital Bond.

Can love grow out of an arranged marriage? Absolutely, and in the same way that love can grow in romance novels from a marriage of convenience. But there’s more to love than finding a suitable match. Love can grow for many reasons, from lust at first sight to friendship that develops over a long period of time. Love also grows out of being partners in the struggle of life, in seeing your spouse go crazy at things that might be trivial to you. It’s impossible to predict whether a union will be successful but it can always be made to. The only two people who can make it work are the bride and groom, the hero and heroine of their own story. After all Life might have made you smart but not enough for the new venture called Marriage. It teaches and gives you much more than our current level of achievements. 


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